Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kaliyuga age 432000 years is historical mistake,its was only 4800 yrs find out truth

“Dwaadshabd sahsreen devanamcha chatur yugam

Chatwari, treni, dwai, chekam sahsra ganitam matam”

---kalki purana

It means one devyuga(human chaturyuga)comprises of 12000 shd be divided in appropriate ration of 1:2:3:4 with the help of mathematics.

In original Sanskrit version of kalki purana it is advised to apply “ankam vamtogatih”

Sankhyam daxino gatih”

As per above explanation

One devyuga or four human chatur yuga =12000 dev years

Apply ratio 1000 +2000+3000+4000 =10000 dev years

And remaining 2000 dev years joining period of human chatur yuga

Joining period is the time when sign of lasting yuga n coming yuga

both are can be understood with example of day and night.

when it is day and ahead turns to be night it doesn’t happen immidiatly.

There is joining period when day and night both are present in morning

and evening.similary joining period of satyuga yuga 100 years,treat yuga 200 yrs

dwapar yuga 300 yrs and kaliyuga 400 yrs

here we get accurate results with “ankam vamtogatih”

Sankhyam daxino gatih”

satyuga  100     +       1000      +    100     =       1200
treta       200     +       2000      +    200     =       2400
dwapra   300     +      3000      +     300     =       3600
kaliyuga   400     +      4000      +     400    =       4800
 devyuga  1000   +     10000     +   1000     =    12000

The years mentioned above in table are dev years and one dev year is equal to 360 human obtain human years it is necessary multipli dev years to human years as 360 x dev years = human this manner the figure of 432000 was obtained

1200 X 360 = 432000 human years.

thats a HISTORICAL MISTAKE.commited due to ignorance of mathematics“ankam vamtogatihSankhyam daxino gatih” only the lines of the text followed that chatur comes first in “Dwaadshabd sahsreen devanamcha chatur yugam Chatwari, treni, dwai, chekam sahsra ganitam matam” so will be age of satyuga.while it was clearly written longest span of age is that of kaliyuga n rest follow it in ratio is the same manner how satyuga age mentioned wrong as

4800 x 360 = 1728000 dev years

Because chatur consider to be the age for satyuga and it is HISTORICAL MISTAKE

This calculation even stands for satyuga not for kaliyuga from any point of view.the calender we use now a days directly in terms of dev years and human years is a day.

Number 360 ref to the time taken by earth to complete one cycle in its orbit around sun termed as dev yuga and spinning of earth on its axis (24 hrs )i.e. day and night termed as human years.

“divyabdanam sahasrante chatur the tu punah krotam bhavisyati yada nrinam mama tm prakasham”

---- bhagwat mahapuran

It means satyuga will come after 4000 divya years

“treenilaxani varshanam dwij manushya sankhyaya sashthichev sahasranibhavityesh vai kaliti shatani divyanam sapt punch chasankhyaya nisheshen shavishati tu punam kritam”

___ Vishnu mahapurana

It means human calculation 360000 divided by a number 75 will be kaliyuga and after which a period of 100 years satyuga will come again

360000 divided by 75 = 4800 yrs

As given above in calculations the total age of kaliyuga 4800 dev years

The dwapra age declined n took 300 years ( as in table) add 4800 years of kalyuga age so it is total 4800 +300 = 5100 years

The present figure 5100 represents the end of kaliyuga which started when Krishna left in 3104 BC and till now 2010 AD

3104 + 2010 = 5114


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